Indian badminton player, Pusarla Venkata Sindhu went for gold when she won first place in the finals. Today, a gold medal match was made in the Women’s singles finals and tomorrow (August 19) a battle will show Sindhu face off for the top spot with Carolina Marin, in the highly anticipated “P.V. Sindhu vs Carolina Marin” match. On Instagram, P.V. Sindhu’s photos will melt your heart. These P.V. Sindhu images prove what a humble and beautiful person she truly is, and P.V. Sindhu’s family pictures give us a glimpse of how important family is to her. Here are five photos you must see if you ever want to meet P.V. Sindhu’s family!
Like Mother, Like Daughter
P.V. Sindhu family pictures are all over her Instagram. In this photo she poses with her mother at Universal Studios, wishing her a Happy Mother’s Day and expressing her love. They both are sporting the same bright smile! Looks like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!
Stretch “Sesh”
Sindhu strikes a pose and a peace sign as she stretches! Serious hard work goes into training for the Olympics – just look at that reach!
Ready for the Games
Posed 16 weeks ago, it appears that Sindhu was already set for the Olympics! Those poor birdies don’t stand a chance!
Encouraging Hope
This black and white photo shows a more sensitive side of Sindhu. It’s great to see how the same athletes with so much power and determination also make time to center their thoughts to regain their ground. Sindhu encouraging her followers, “Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen…”
I scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream
It seems even Olympic athletes get sugar cravings!
For more information on P.V. Sindhu and how she’s faring at the Rio 2016 Olympics, click here!