If you are into manga at all, there is a good chance that you’ve been following One Piece, which has set records of all varieties. From sales records to Guinness records, this long lasting series has made a mark in the publishing world. And now, the latest chapter is out! If you can’t wait, we’ve got all of your One Piece Chapter 895 spoilers. We’ll take a quick look at where we left off in Chapter 894, what Luffy’s new powers may entail, and maybe even have some ideas and predictions for what’s to come in Chapter 896. Once again, be warned: One Piece spoilers are contained below!

When Last We Left Luffy and His Crew

When last we left Luffy, he was in a spot of trouble. The end of Chapter 894 saw him battling Katakuri, the strongest of the Big Mom pirate commanders. While Luffy seemed determined not to die in this battle, Katakuri is one tough pirate. Luffy knew he had to step it up.

But how was he going to defeat Katakuri? He kind of threw everything he had at Katakuri. Or so we thought. Luffy decided to call upon a new power set. The Gear 4th transformation known as Snake Man.

Possible Chapter 895 Spoilers

Here’s what we think. This new Gear 4th transformation is going to be different than the ones that came before it. Obviously, it’s going to have snake-like abilities but we also think that this transformation will tie in directly with Luffy’s Observation Haki. He’s going to be able to avoid Katakuri’s strikes quicker than before. It’s a transformation that will focus on speed and precision, rather than brute strength.

But don’t think that this means that the battle will be instantly over. It’ll take Luffy a little time to get used to the new form. But once he does, expect him to kick the crap out of Katakuri. But even then, Luffy has to be able to escape the Mirror World.

Chapter 896 and Beyond

So, Luffy is the main character and we know he won’t die, that’s pretty much a given. But, that doesn’t mean that there won’t be consequences. Out of all of his previous fights, we think this one is going to leave a mark, both physically and mentally.

Luffy will defeat Katakuri and make it out of the Mirror World, but we think that he is going to come out of this one a little worse for wear. He’ll be confident about his abilities, but he’s going to have to take time to recover. There is a good chance that Snake Man is going to be a very rare transformation to see over the next year.

Until Luffy learns a new Gear or transformation, Snake Man might be more of a common occurrence.