
Easter Memes 2018: A Hunt for Easter “Egg-celence” in Internet Meme Hilarity!

Photo: Tony Feder / Getty Images

It’s that “hoppy” time of year again! And while your kids may be all hopped up on chocolate, we have a little Easter treat of our own for all you adults! We’ve got the best Easter memes of 2018 to make you chuckle enough to burn all those calories you just gained from eating half the chocolates we know you didn’t hide. Wink!

Easter comes but once a year and like many other exciting holidays for kids, it’s all about the candy! Obviously, there’s more to Easter than bunnies and chocolate, but we’ve decided to make this piece all about the funny Happy Easter memes, instead!

Most importantly, Easter is a time to spend with family and/or friends to celebrate and come together in welcoming a new Spring! It symbolizes a time of rebirth, and for those who are religious, it is the oldest festival of the Christian Church. It celebrates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

However, it’s not uncommon to celebrate Easter with a few festive funnies! So, without further ado, let’s begin our Easter meme hunt below!

16 of the Best Easter Memes for 2018

Evil. But hilarious?

This one’s for all the Forrest Gump fans.

Yay for Adult Easter!

Two birds, one stone!

We always wondered where Easter eggs came from!

A little GOT-Easter humor!

Because, the Tide Pod Challenge.

A very Vegan Easter…

When Grandma stops giving you Easter money…

X-Rated Easter peep show!

We all know how family Easter egg hunts can get…

This conversation could go on for hours…

Considering the Winter we’ve had this year!

Get ready to see all those “once a year” Church attendees…

It’s literally the best feeling in the world.

The only eggs to ever eat on Easter Sunday.

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