Photo: Splash News

Drake’s new song “Still Here” is out on iTunes along with the other songs from Views From the 6 album. Drake’s Views From the 6 album was released on iTunes so you can listen to the rapper’s new songs of 2016. You can also listen to Drake’s “Still Here” song, which is another solo from Views From the 6, his fourth studio album. Drake reflects on his journey in the rap business by crediting his self-made struggle in verses of these “Still Here” lyrics below.

Drake’s “Still Here” song can be downloaded from iTunes and you can stream a preview the song as well. “Still Here” is a track about Drake’s place in the rap game. The Canadian rap artist tells his time on the streets of Toronto. The “Still Here” lyrics convey his status in the rap and hip hop industry. And, how he hasn’t disappeared from it yet.

Listening to “Still Here” song assures that the 29-year-old rapper will continue to be the one of the best rappers in the world. These “Still Here” lyrics at will make you see why Drake feels this way about his passion for rap and hip hop. Watch him cruise down the Toronto street in this promo video of Drake’s Views album.

#VIEWS Eve. @applemusic

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